
Sandy Loam

Crusher Sand White

Crusher Sand Blue

Bricky Sand

Veggie Mix

Plaster Sand Red

Plaster Sand


Fine White Sand
Applied to compacted or clay soils to chemically break the soils down and promote draining and aeration. Best for dense clays, gypsum loosens the soil by breaking down the minerals, allowing water and air to penetrate. Gypsum also delivers much-needed calcium to plants and can help in offsetting problems with saline soils. Pet-safe, it is commonly prescribed as a treatment for lawns and gardens -
Sandy Loam
Ideal soil for garden areas -
Crusher Sand White
Used as a base under driveways, concrete and paved areas -
Crusher Sand Blue
Used as a base under rain water tanks etc. -
Bricky Sand
Suitable for mortaring brickwork and stonework -
Veggie Mix
A great soil for veggie patches or garden beds. Mixed onsite using loam, cow manure, cultured compost and sand we have created a free draining soil which however retains water and nutrients where most needed. -
Plaster Sand Red
Natural red coloured sand, used for plastering -
Plaster Sand
Used for plastering -
Used for building up garden beds and other areas. -
Fine White Sand
Used for sand pit sand or as a concrete sand